Source code for meanfi.solvers

from functools import partial
import numpy as np
import scipy
from typing import Optional, Callable

from meanfi.params.rparams import rparams_to_tb, tb_to_rparams
from meanfi.tb.tb import add_tb, _tb_type
from import density_matrix, meanfield
from meanfi.model import Model
from meanfi.tb.utils import fermi_energy

[docs] def cost_mf(mf_param: np.ndarray, model: Model, nk: int = 20) -> np.ndarray: """Defines the cost function for root solver. The cost function is the difference between the computed and inputted mean-field. Parameters ---------- mf_param : 1D real array that parametrises the mean-field correction. Model : Interacting tight-binding problem definition. nk : Number of k-points in a grid to sample the Brillouin zone along each dimension. If the system is 0-dimensional (finite), this parameter is ignored. Returns ------- : 1D real array that is the difference between the computed and inputted mean-field parametrisations """ shape = model._ndof mf = rparams_to_tb(mf_param, list(model.h_int), shape) mf_new = model.mfield(mf, nk=nk) mf_params_new = tb_to_rparams(mf_new) return mf_params_new - mf_param
[docs] def cost_density(rho_params: np.ndarray, model: Model, nk: int = 20) -> np.ndarray: """Defines the cost function for root solver. The cost function is the difference between the computed and inputted density matrix reduced to the hoppings only present in the h_int. Parameters ---------- rho_params : 1D real array that parametrises the density matrix reduced to the hoppings (keys) present in h_int. Model : Interacting tight-binding problem definition. nk : Number of k-points in a grid to sample the Brillouin zone along each dimension. If the system is 0-dimensional (finite), this parameter is ignored. Returns ------- : 1D real array that is the difference between the computed and inputted density matrix parametrisations reduced to the hoppings present in h_int. """ shape = model._ndof rho_reduced = rparams_to_tb(rho_params, list(model.h_int), shape) rho_new = model.density_matrix(rho_reduced, nk=nk) rho_reduced_new = {key: rho_new[key] for key in model.h_int} rho_params_new = tb_to_rparams(rho_reduced_new) return rho_params_new - rho_params
[docs] def solver_mf( model: Model, mf_guess: np.ndarray, nk: int = 20, optimizer: Optional[Callable] = scipy.optimize.anderson, optimizer_kwargs: Optional[dict[str, str]] = {"M": 0}, ) -> _tb_type: """Solve for the mean-field correction through self-consistent root finding by finding the mean-field correction fixed point. Parameters ---------- model : Interacting tight-binding problem definition. mf_guess : The initial guess for the mean-field correction in the tight-binding dictionary format. nk : Number of k-points in a grid to sample the Brillouin zone along each dimension. If the system is 0-dimensional (finite), this parameter is ignored. optimizer : The solver used to solve the fixed point iteration. Default uses `scipy.optimize.anderson`. optimizer_kwargs : The keyword arguments to pass to the optimizer. Returns ------- : Mean-field correction solution in the tight-binding dictionary format. """ shape = model._ndof mf_params = tb_to_rparams(mf_guess) f = partial(cost_mf, model=model, nk=nk) result = rparams_to_tb( optimizer(f, mf_params, **optimizer_kwargs), list(model.h_int), shape ) fermi = fermi_energy(add_tb(model.h_0, result), model.filling, nk=nk) return add_tb(result, {model._local_key: -fermi * np.eye(model._ndof)})
def solver_density( model: Model, mf_guess: _tb_type, nk: int = 20, optimizer: Optional[Callable] = scipy.optimize.anderson, optimizer_kwargs: Optional[dict[str, str]] = {"M": 0, "line_search": "wolfe"}, ) -> _tb_type: """Solve for the mean-field correction through self-consistent root finding by finding the density matrix fixed point. Parameters ---------- model : Interacting tight-binding problem definition. mf_guess : The initial guess for the mean-field correction in the tight-binding dictionary format. nk : Number of k-points in a grid to sample the Brillouin zone along each dimension. If the system is 0-dimensional (finite), this parameter is ignored. optimizer : The solver used to solve the fixed point iteration. Default uses `scipy.optimize.anderson`. optimizer_kwargs : The keyword arguments to pass to the optimizer. Returns ------- : Mean-field correction solution in the tight-binding dictionary format. """ shape = model._ndof rho_guess = density_matrix( add_tb(model.h_0, mf_guess), filling=model.filling, nk=nk )[0] rho_guess_reduced = {key: rho_guess[key] for key in model.h_int} rho_params = tb_to_rparams(rho_guess_reduced) f = partial(cost_density, model=model, nk=nk) rho_result = rparams_to_tb( optimizer(f, rho_params, **optimizer_kwargs), list(model.h_int), shape ) mf_result = meanfield(rho_result, model.h_int) fermi = fermi_energy(add_tb(model.h_0, mf_result), model.filling, nk=nk) return add_tb(mf_result, {model._local_key: -fermi * np.eye(model._ndof)}) solver = solver_density